On May 29, video footage of ammunition transport to the Islamist groups in Syria by the Turkish secret service agents was published. The Peace Association of Turkey made a statement regarding this footage.

1000 mortar projectiles, 1000 shells, 50,000 machine gun bullets, 30,000 heavy machine gun bullets!

We were not surprised, because it was not necessary to guess; we knew it.

▪ Defeating the Harper Conservatives: The peace movement and the coming federal election

▪ Anti-imperialism at the Peoples' Social Forum

▪ Canada’s Russian Sanctions and the Matrix of Empire

▪ World Peace Council Executive Committee Meeting in Goa, India

▪ Iran: Nuclear “Deal” a Timid, Imperfect Step in a Better Direction

▪ Regina Peace Council Opposes Military Training in High Schools

▪ 70th Anniversary of the Victory over Fascism

▪ Peace Congress Petition Campaign Opposes Interference in Venezuela

Three members of the Communist Party, Turkey were arrested on May 1st in Istanbul, Turkey, for attending a demonstration in Taksim Square. The Mayday demonstrations in Istanbul are suppressed by the government for the last three years and Taksim Square is closed to all activities, especially on Mayday. This square, which has a political importance for the Turkish working class was the scene of a sudden protest by the Communist Party, although the area was blocked by the police forces.

The “Moscow Appeal” was adopted by six international organisations, namely WPC, WFTU, WFDY, IADL, WDIF and FIR who attended the events of the 70th anniversary of the Anti-fascist Victory in Moscow.


The Executive Committee of the WPC took place in the Indian city of Goa from 26-28 November 2014. The meeting, hosted by the All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO), concluded after discussions on the threats to peace in different parts of the world with the following statement:
The World Peace Council, in its 65th year of struggle, salutes the peace loving forces of the world and calls upon them to fight together with the WPC and its member organizations, against imperialism and its brutal wars, for Peace.

Una concentración en la Plaza Mavili y protesta al frente de la Embajada norteamericana realizaron el viernes, 17 de abril, al mediodía, trabajadores, mujeres, estudiantes y miembros del movimiento antiimperialista y a favor de la paz, expresando su solidaridad con el pueblo venezolano.


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