It is with great satisfaction that we write on behalf of the Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples and
Struggle for Peace (CEBRAPAZ) to inform you about the holding of the 6th National Assembly of our
organization on December 10th.
The 6th assembly was marked by rich and profound debates on the international and national situation,
culminating in the approval of a political resolution of great importance, entitled "Unite the Brazilian People
in the Struggle for Peace". The document reflects Cebrapaz's commitment to promoting solidarity and
Brazilian Center for Solidarity of the peoples and struggle for Peace
Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos e Luta pela Paz
The Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples and Struggle for Peace (CEBRAPAZ) vehemently denounces another episode in the ongoing massacre of the Palestinian people by Israel. This regime’s brutality is notorious and not even the mainstream media is able to continue omitting it, or the severity of its repercussions on life in Palestine, which are not only but especially evinced by the reiterated military offensives.
On this 29th of April 2020, the Brazilian Committee for Peace in Venezuela strongly denounces the expulsion of 28 Venezuelan diplomatic officials from Brazil. The Bolsonaro Government again plays the main role as a puppet of US imperialism by expelling from Brazil the entire Venezuelan diplomatic corps and, in their place, installing in Brasilia a putschist group to represent the Venezuelan people.
São Paulo, Brasil, 17 de diciembre de 2019
Excmo. Sr.Presidente de laRepública ÁrabeSaharaui DemocráticaBrahim Ghali,
Secretario-General del Frente Popular para laLiberación de Saguía el Hamra y Río de Oro,
Y estimados compañeros y compañeras del Frente POLISARIO,
CEBRAPAZ held its 5th National Assembly on the 7th of December, 2019, in Salvador, the capital city of the Brazilian federal state of Bahia. Branches from many states were represented by their delegates. As you know, the situation in Brazil is extremely worrying and conditions are harsh with our political, social and economic crises under this proto-fascist Government of Jair Bolsonaro.
We consider the Assembly to have taken place successfully and elected the new Executive and National Board. The Executive Board now is the following:
Jair Bolsonaro’s Government gave another dangerous step in his offensive against Venezuela by presenting, at the UN, a draft resolution that calls for an international inquiry into our neighboring and sister country. The petition is also endorsed by Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru.
The Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples and Struggle for Peace (CEBRAPAZ) joins the various entities in solidarity with the Saharawi people in the most vehement condemnation of the brutal episodes of repression of demonstrations on July 20, in El Aaiun, the capital of Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco. In the episode, the Moroccan police ran over and killed the 24-year-old young woman Sabah Othman Ahmeida (Injourni) and delayed in giving her medical attention. Sabah died later in the hospital.
El Centro Brasileño de Solidaridad con los Pueblos y Lucha por la Paz (CEBRAPAZ) vuelve a condenar las amenazas del gobierno de Estados Unidos y de sus aliados en la región contra Venezuela y repudia la participación de Brasil en esta farsa. Las acciones desestabilizadoras de los golpistas y del imperialismo estadounidense intensifican la crisis para derrocar al gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro mientras el gobierno de Donald Trump toma medidas coercitivas imponiendo sanciones que afectan al pueblo venezolano y amenazando con una criminal agresión militar.
El atentado con drones ocurrido este sábado en Caracas, que tenía como blanco el presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, merece de todos los humanistas y demócratas la más vehemente manifestación de repudio.
El Centro Brasileño de Solidaridad con los Pueblos y Lucha por la Paz (Cebrapaz) desde hace tiempo advierte que los sectores de la derecha venezolana, financiados y dirigidos por el imperialismo estadounidense, ponen la paz de la nación hermana y de la propia región en peligro con sus métodos antidemocráticos y terroristas.
he Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples and Struggle for Peace (CEBRAPAZ) expresses its deep revolt against yet another episode in the massacre of the Palestinian people and its unwavering support for the struggle for a just peace, for a free and sovereign Palestine. We further express sorrow and indignation for the over 3,000 wounded and for the deaths of over 110 people -- half of them this 14th of May alone, while the USA opened its Embassy in Jerusalem, thus recognizing the city, unilaterally and illegitimately, as Israel's capital.