
La supuesta "crisis de refugiados venezolanos" no es de refugiados ni es de los venezolanos. Hace años que la desestabilización sistemática de Venezuela y los sucesivos intentos de golpe de estado para derrocar al comandante Hugo Chávez y después el presidente Nicolás Maduro busca detener el progreso de la Revolución Bolivariana en el país y la integración soberana y solidaria de la región.

Una de las políticas anacrónicas de EEUU, quizás la más persistentemente sostenida por el imperio en su virulencia obsesiva contra la valiente isla rebelde, el bloqueo contra Cuba persiste.

El presidente chauvinista Donald Trump renovó, como hacen los gobiernos de turno de EEUU, la "Ley de Comercio con el Enemigo", de 1917, que sostiene este crimen.

Entidades de la paz y personalidades dedicadas a la causa de la justicia rechazan la continuidad de esa infamia, a ser debatida por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en septiembre.

Another one of the anachronistic US policies, perhaps the most persistently held by the empire in its obsessive virulence against the brave rebel island, the blockade against Cuba persists. On Monday (10), chauvinist President Donald Trump, as do the successive US governments, renewed the 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act, which sustains this crime.

Peace organizations and personalities dedicated to the cause of justice repudiated the continuity of this infamy, which is to be debated by the United Nations General Assembly in September.

Mais uma das políticas anacrônicas dos EUA, talvez a mais persistentemente sustentada pelo império em sua virulência obsessiva contra a valente ilha rebelde, o bloqueio contra Cuba persiste.

Nesta segunda-feira (10), o presidente chauvinista Donald Trump renovou, como fazem os governos de turno dos EUA, a “Lei de Comércio com o Inimigo”, de 1917, que sustenta este crime.

Entidades da paz e personalidades dedicadas à causa da justiça repudiaram a continuidade dessa infâmia, a ser debatida pela Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas em setembro.

Regardless of a later assessment, the conclusions of the NATO summit held in Brussels on July 11 and 12 confirm what the CPPC and the more than 40 organisations that joined the campaign “Yes to Peace! No to NATO! “said soon after its objectives were known, namely that this summit was aimed at “strengthening the warmongering intervention capacity” of this aggressive political-military bloc. This is, in fact, the serious and dangerous path to which the Portuguese Government has unacceptably associated Portugal.

July 5, in a meeting with Mr. José Matos Correia, Vice-President of the Portuguese Parliament, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) handed more than 13,000 signatures collected for a petition demanding that the Portuguese authorities sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Considering the number of signatures, the petition will be debated in a plenary session of the Assembly of the Republic.

Marking the anniversary of the first use of the devastating nuclear weapons by the United States against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945, the World Peace Council expresses its solidarity with the Japanese people who were victims of the catastrophe caused by a imperialist power that does not measure the consequences to achieve its objectives.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation condemns the terrorist attack against the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and against other Venezuelan leaders, that took place last Saturday, August 4, in Caracas.

This attack rises to a new and dangerous level the manoeuvres and campaigns by the reactionary right wing and by imperialism, that aim at destabilizing Venezuela and at overthrowing its legitimate government, lead by Nicolás Maduro.


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