The Executive Committee meeting of the World Peace Council was held successfully in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 9-10 November, 2024. The meeting was hosted by the Secretariat Member of the WPC, “Nepal Peace and Solidarity Council”. After the presentation of the speech of the President, and the Reports of the General Secretary, Executive Secretary and the regional reports, a fruitful discussion took place, including a special session on the situation in the Middle East.
Once again, in Lisbon, between the Roma-Areeiro train station and Lisbon Forum (and inside), the demand for Peace was reaffirmed and solidarity with Palestine was expressed.
Many joined, at 3pm a human cordon, holding hands in the traditional Palestinian way, symbolizing unity. The chants which echoed demanded once again the end of genocide and the end of Israel's crimes, reaching the Forum, where at 4pm, the Concert began.
Between the 2nd and 12th of October, nineteen actions of solidarity with the Palestinian people and for peace in the Middle East took place across the country.
With different expressions, between debates, cultural moments with music, painting, dance, even concentrations and demonstrations, the colors of the flags of Palestine, Lebanon, and Peace, filled the portuguese streets and squares in the cities of Coimbra, Setúbal, Portalegre, Alpiarça , Covilhã, Viseu, Porto, Évora, Guarda, Leiria, Beja, Viana do Castelo, Braga, Espinho, Faro, Funchal, Vila Real and Lisbon.
Between the 2nd and 12th of October, nineteen actions of solidarity with the Palestinian people and for peace in the Middle East took place across the country.
With different expressions, between debates, cultural moments with music, painting, dance, even concentrations and demonstrations, the colors of the flags of Palestine, Lebanon, and Peace, filled the portuguese streets and squares in the cities of Coimbra, Setúbal, Portalegre, Alpiarça , Covilhã, Viseu, Porto, Évora, Guarda, Leiria, Beja, Viana do Castelo, Braga, Espinho, Faro, Funchal, Vila Real and Lisbon.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) vehemently repudiates Israel's bombings against Lebanon, which in just a few hours killed hundreds of people, injured thousands and forced many more to abandon their homes. The bombings, intensified from Monday, September 23, follow the unspeakable attack involving electronic devices (such as pagers or walkie-talkies), which left a trail of death and mutilation in the country.
Their Crimes Against Humanity Must Be Stopped Immediately!
Just short of one year since Israel’s criminal attack and invasion of the Gaza Strip and brutal bombardment and genocide of Palestine, the Zionist state committed yet another crime against humanity, on September 23, 2024.
Marking the International Day of Peace, established by the UN, which is celebrated every year on September 21st, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) highlights the dangers of war that mark today's world and calls for the reinforcement of mobilization in defense of peace, disarmament, respect for peoples’ rights.
The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) salutes the approval by the UN General Assembly of the resolution presented by Palestine, which demands an end to Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories.
El Consejo Mundial de la Paz (CMP) denuncia y condena enérgicamente los recientes ataques del ejército israelí contra el Líbano, con la destrucción de viviendas e infraestructuras civiles y el asesinato de dirigentes políticos del pueblo libanés. El ataque indiscriminado con armas pesadas contra la capital libanesa, Beirut, muestra el rostro brutal del régimen israelí que actúa en todo el Oriente Medio violando en todos los sentidos el derecho internacional.
Le Conseil mondial de la paix (CMP) dénonce et condamne fermement les récentes attaques de l'armée israélienne contre le Liban, avec la destruction de résidences civiles et d'infrastructures, ainsi que l'assassinat de dirigeants politiques libanais. L'attaque indiscriminée avec des armes lourdes contre la capitale libanaise, Beyrouth, révèle le visage brutal du régime israélien, qui agit dans tout le Moyen-Orient en violation de toutes les normes du droit international.