We Cypriots, both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, and other peace-loving Cypriots, who have responded to the call issued by the Cyprus Peace Council and have gathered today on 16 April 2018 outside the US Embassy, declare the following:
Cyprus Peace Council
With the election of Mr. Trump to the US presidency, the policy of the deep state and hawks is continuing, as we are once again on the brink of a generalized devastating war which has begun within the framework of a Cold War policy being pursued. This war, it appears, will not be confined to Syria alone.
The Cyprus Peace Council expresses its deep concern at the start of the work for the construction of the nuclear power plant in Akkuyu, Turkey. The nuclear power station in Akkuyu will be built with the cooperation of Russia and Turkey, and is located just a few kilometers north of Cyprus.
The Peace Committee of Turkey, the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace, and the Cyprus Peace Council successfully held their 8th trilateral meeting on 15-17th December 2017, in İzmir, Turkey under the auspices of the World Peace Council.
The Congress of the Cyprus Peace Council (CPC) took place in Nicosia on 8th July with the participation of dozens of delegates from the whole island and the dicussion and adoption of a declaration which you can see below. The Congress was attended by personalities and representatives of political parties and movements of Cyprus and by guests from the Cuba, represented by Aleida Guevara, daughter of the revolutionary “Che” and by the General Secretary of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), Jose Angel Maury.
The Cyprus Peace Council, responding to the World Peace Council's call for anti-NATO actions in its member countries, organizes in view of the NATO Summit in Brussels on May 25-26, an anti-NATO event under the slogan "Neither Cyprus in NATO - Nor NATO in Cyprus". The event will take place on Friday, May 26th at 19:00 at the Castle Square in Larnaca. The event will be attended by organized groups of Turkish Cypriots as well as immigrants.
At the same time as the peoples throughout the world, and particularly in Europe, are demanding that they want Peace, in a climate of economic crisis and vicious austerity imposed by the governments of the European Union, thousands of children in the Middle East and Africa are dying in their attempts to reach a country that will offer them the bare minimum to survive and for a life with prospects, as well as many other children of their age. Imperialism’s machines are being reloaded to kill even more of these children. In this context.
No Pasaran to imperialist aggression and war!
5th Trilateral Meeting; 11-12 October 2014, Izmir
Cyprus Peace Council - Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace - Peace Association of Turkey - World Peace Council
Final Communiqué
With the participation of many Palestinians and Cypriots a demonstration took place in Nicosia against Israeli barbarity, on last Saturday July 12th, outside Israeli Embassy. The demonstration was organized by the Palestinian Community in Cyprus and supported by Cyprus Peace Council (CPC). Many of Cyprus Peace Council members were present at the demonstration, amongst them the President of CPC Sylva Tiggiridou, the GS of CPC Christos Kourtellaris and the Secretariat members Akis Phokas and Charis Pashias. EDON also responded at Cyprus Peace Council’s call for participation in the activity.
The fourth meeting of the anti-imperialist peace movements of Turkey, Cyprus and Greece took place in Chania on October 19th - 20th under the auspices of the World Peace Council. In a particularly friendly and constructive atmosphere, the delegations of the three countries agreed on the following joint communiqué: