
"Preso soy un héroe, muerto soy un mito, libre soy presidente"

"Quien me condenó sin pruebas sabe que soy inocente y que goberné con honestidad. Los que nos persiguen pueden hacer lo que quieran conmigo, pero jamás podrán encarcelar nuestros sueños".

The arrest warrant issued on Thursday (5th of April) for President Lula, the greatest popular leader that our country has ever had, is unconstitutional. Lula is the victim of an offensive coordinated between the national reactionary elite and US imperialism to prevent his return to the Presidency of the Republic.

The Cyprus Peace Council expresses its deep concern at the start of the work for the construction of the nuclear power plant in Akkuyu, Turkey. The nuclear power station in Akkuyu will be built with the cooperation of Russia and Turkey, and is located just a few kilometers north of Cyprus.

The State of Israel has felt free to perpetrate the most heinous crimes against the Palestinian population, who survive and resist military occupation, apartheid and colonialism. The most recent episode of a daily violence, in a criminal regime, was the brutality of the repression of a protest in the Gaza Strip on Land Day, the 30th of March, near the line marked by Israel as a buffer zone.

O Estado de Israel tem se sentido à vontade para perpetrar os crimes mais hediondos contra a população palestina, que sobrevive e resiste à ocupação militar, ao apartheid e ao colonialismo. O mais recente episódio de uma violência diária, num regime fora da lei, foi a brutalidade da repressão a um protesto na Faixa de Gaza no Dia da Terra, 30 de março, próximo à linha demarcada por Israel como zona tampão.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) manifests its deep concern for the review of the US nuclear policy, made public by the Pentagon last February 2nd.

CPPC considers that the so-called US Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) represents a particularly dangerous step in the militarist escalation that marks our time, which could have catastrophic consequences for Humanity, unless constrained through strong initiatives in favor of world Peace.

CPPC has always considered that the problems of the Korean people would have to be resolved by the Korean people, without foreign interference. The events of the past week confirm this. After a period of particular military tension in the region, both parts of Korea restarted a dialogue, long interrupted, and maintain open communication on matters of common interest. The Winter Olympic Games are only the most visible aspect.

The world peace movement, the progressive forces and defenders of social justice, sovereignty and solidarity have marked, a few days ago, the five years since the passing of Comandante Hugo Chávez, whose arrival in the Venezuelan Government has brought historical achievements to the people. The hard work for overcoming so many decades of plunder, domination and oppression while affirming national sovereignty had only begun and the reactionary forces, supported by the imperialist powers, began their eager activity to prevent the continuity of the process.


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