1st September “Day of Action for World Peace”
On the occasion of 1st September, "Day of Action for World Peace", the Cyprus Peace Council (CPC) raises its voice to shout out loud “YES TO PEACE, NOT TO WAR!” 1st September, which has been proclaimed by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) in memory of the millions of victims of Nazism-Fascism and of the fighters who sacrificed their lives during World War II, reminds us of the catastrophic consequences of imperialist aggressiveness, fascism and war. .
Unfortunately, 74 years after the end of World War II, we are again facing the threat of a nuclear holocaust as long as the crisis in the relations between the United States of America and NATO on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other continues. The ongoing aggression, sanctions and financial warfare of the imperialist circles in the US and the EU are putting the lives of millions of people across the world at risk every day. The CPC expresses its deep concern about what is happening in Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan, as well as in so many other hotbeds of war. The US withdrawal from international nuclear treaties, such as the treaty with Iran and Russia, is pushing humanity towards a new world war and a new arms race. The consequences of a potential nuclear war will not only be disastrous for the peoples of the two superpowers, given that its implications will be unpredictable for the entire world. We demand the abolition of all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.
The continuing stalemate surrounding the solution of the Cyprus problem, the ongoing occupation of 37% of Cypriot territory by NATO member Turkey, and the growing military relations of the Anastasiades government with the Imperialist circles of the West and Israel are generating feelings of indignation among the peace-loving people of Cyprus.
The “Day of Action for World Peace" makes the fight for world peace and disarmament a necessity. The peoples must rise their voice and mobilize in these critical times as the clouds of war are looming. The peace-loving forces are called upon to unite their voices and intensify their actions to prevent war. The CPC will struggle with the peace-loving forces within the framework of our action in the World Peace Council for world peace and social progress to prevail.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Secretariat of the CPC