Build and Expand the WPC Campaign – Yes to Peace! No to NATO!

The 2016 NATO Summit will take place July 8-9 in Warsaw, Poland. It comes as NATO undertakes its “biggest collective reinforcement” of the past 2 decades. The World Peace Council is calling for mobilizations in all countries of the world, to coincide with the Warsaw Summit and to build the ongoing global campaign against NATO – Yes to Peace! No to NATO!

NATO: an enemy of peace and the people

On February 27th of 1976, in the city of Bir Lehlu, free territory of Western Sahara, the POLISARIO Front, in representation of the Sahrawi people and respecting Resolution 1514 approved by the United Nations, proclaimed the constitution of a free State, independent and sovereign named Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, assumed the responsibility of recovering the territorial integrity and the sovereignty of its homeland,
militarily occupied ​the previous year by the Kingdom of Morocco. ​

The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its vehement condemnation about the recent and ongoing heavy military exercises of the USA and South Korea under the names “Key Resolve”& “Eagle 16” around the Korean Peninsula,placing new dangers to peace and stability in the area,aiming in the escalation of the situation through pressure on the DPRKorea.

U.S. Peace Council’s Exclusive Interview with Dr. Bashar Ja’afari,
Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations, and
Head of the Syrian Delegation at the Geneva III Negotiations

Date of Interview: February 19, 2016 — New York

B.A. [USPC]: With sincere thanks for allowing us to have this interview with you despite your extremely busy schedule, please start by giving us an overall view of the state of affairs with regard to the Syrian crisis today.

Orlando Fundora

The World Peace Council anounces with grief the demise of our beloved comrade Orlando Fundora Lopez, President of honor of the WPC, at the age of 90.

Orlando Fundora joined the revolutionary movement in Cuba before 1954 as trade unionist in the banking system participating in numerous of struggles and actions for which he was jailed and tortured several times by the Batista regime. From his exile in Venezuela he continued his struggle along with the local revolutionary movement from 1957-1959,again jailed and heavily tortured by the regime.

The Belgrade Forum has accured 16 years of activities invested in promoting the idea of peace and cooperation, equality of individuals, nations and states. Over these years, the Forum has published almost 200 books, organized numerous international and national conferences, participated in various international gatherings, and took part in peace building activities across the world. We maintain contacts and cooperation with a significant number of similarly oriented organizations, in the country and abroad, both bilaterally and within the World Peace Council.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) is promoting in Portugal a series of “Concerts for Peace”. The first Concert for Peace was held in Lisbon, on November 19th 2014, the second one was held in Oporto, on January 9th 2016 and the third one will take place on March 18th in the city of Vila Nova de Gaia.

Concerts for Peace involve diverse cultural and municipal entities and have the participation of hundreds of artists.


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