Recibimos con gran consternación y revuelta la noticia de la muerte de Sabah Othman Ahmadida (Injourni), de 24 años, quien fue atropellada por un coche de la policía marroquí durante la brutal represión de una manifestación en la capital del Sahara Occidental ocupado, El Aaiun, el 20 de julio.

We received with great consternation and revolt the news of the death of the 24-year-old Sabah Othman Ahmadida (Injourni), who was struck by a Moroccan police car during the brutal repression of a demonstration in the capital of occupied Western Sahara, El Aaiun, on July 20.

The Brazilian Center for Solidarity with the Peoples and Struggle for Peace (CEBRAPAZ) joins the various entities in solidarity with the Saharawi people in the most vehement condemnation of the brutal episodes of repression of demonstrations on July 20, in El Aaiun, the capital of Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco. In the episode, the Moroccan police ran over and killed the 24-year-old young woman Sabah Othman Ahmeida (Injourni) and delayed in giving her medical attention. Sabah died later in the hospital.

The recent violent protests in Hong Kong have focussed on the alleged unfairness of a proposed law permitting the extradition of criminal suspects for crimes committed elsewhere on the Chinese mainland. The protest organizers claim that the extradition agreement would be used to target “activists” in Hong Kong opposing Chinese sovereignty over Hong Kong. But the proposed extradition law is similar to that existing between provinces in Canada, the United States and most other countries.

Número especial de la revista “Paz y Soberanía” dedicada al VI Seminario Internacional de Paz y por la abolición de las Bases Militares Extranjeras / Special issue of "Paz y Soberanía" dedicated to the VI. International Seminar for Peace and the Abolition of Foreign Bases.

The All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO) condemns Indian government’s decision to vote with Israel in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc) to prevent a Palestinian human rights organisation called Shahed, from getting observer status in UN institutions. This is the first time India has voted with Israel on a resolution at the UN that is being perceived as pro-Israel.

La administración de Donald Trump al frente del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, ha desatado una ofensiva contra nuestros pueblos latinoamericanos, enfocando su ataque en contra de Cuba, al endurecer las medidas de la llamada Ley Helms Burton, y así cercar más a la Isla con el Bloqueo Económico, que ha castigado durante años al heroico pueblo cubano y su Revolución. Pero a pesar de todo los hijos del Comandante Fidel han resistido y derrotado al imperio durante 60 años.


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