The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) promoted on 16 November at the premises of the Professional School Bento de Jesus Caraça, in Lisbon, a conference "New Chalenges for Peace in Latin America.

Presided by Ilda Figueiredo and Luís Carapinha, from CPPC, and the ambassadors of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Cuba, Lucas Rincón Romero and Mercedes Martínez.

Representatives of the Colombians for Peace (Portugal), the Chileans in Portugal and the PT Brazil Lisbon chapter also spoke.

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) strongly rejects the consummation of the coup d'état in Bolivia against President Evo Morales, his government, the democratic constitutionality and the Bolivian people.

As the CPPC has previously pointed out, this is yet another step towards the execution of the destabilization agenda commanded from Washington against the peoples and countries that in Latin America and the Caribbean have been leading processes of affirmation of sovereignty, social progress and cooperation

The Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC) welcomes the vote in the United Nations General Assembly, which once again on November 7 overwhelmingly condemned the economic, commercial and financial blockade by the United States against Cuba and demanded its lifting. This is the 28th. consecutive time that this UN body has spoken on this matter, and always in a resounding way.

The CPPC repudiates and strongly condemns Turkey's new aggression against Syria under the pretext of creating a so-called “security buffer zone” and “fighting ISIS”.

This is a new aggression with US complicity which, it should be stressed, continues to occupy Syrian territories illegally and militarily and NATO complacency, in the words of the Secretary General of this political-military bloc.

On November 10, a grave tragedy befell Bolivia as a coup d'état forced President Evo Morales Ayma and other top officials belonging to the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS, or Movement Towards Socialism) political party to resign. It was a coup d'etat orchestrated by the USA through its puppet Organization of American States (OAS) and an ultra-rightist Bolivian opposition led by Carlos Mesa, the presidential candidate that Evo Morales defeated in the election conducted 3 weeks ago, and Luis Camacho, the current regional leader of the “civic groups” in Sta.

The Dominican Union of Journalists for Peace, Inc. (UDPP) from the Dominican Republic raises its strongest voice of protest against the criminal coup d’état against the President of the sister Republic of Bolivia, Evo Morales. The fascist court of the coup leaders obviously has a definition: imperialism. Evo Morales is one of the greatest heads of states of the present century in Latin America.

Denunciamos enérgicamente la invasión de la Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela el miércoles (13) en Brasilia por un grupo provocador y violento de partidarios del golpista autoproclamado presidente venezolano, Juan Guaidó. Esta es una acción criminal y una violación muy grave del derecho internacional que rige las relaciones diplomáticas entre Estados soberanos.

We energically denounce the invasion of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela this Wednesday, 13th of November, in Brasília, by a group of provocative and violent supporters of the putschist, self-proclaimed Venezuelan president Juan Guaidó. This is a criminal act and a very grave violation of international law, which guides the diplomatic relations between sovereign States.

Denunciamos energicamente a invasão da Embaixada da República Bolivariana da Venezuela nesta quarta-feira (13), em Brasília, por um grupo provocador e violento de apoiadores do golpista autoproclamado presidente venezuelano, Juan Guaidó. Trata-se de uma ação criminosa e uma gravíssima violação do direito internacional que rege as relações diplomáticas entre Estados soberanos.


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