
The Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace (EEDYE) honors this year the
completion of 60 years since the first release of its magazine “ROADS OF PEACE” on May
9, 1958. From then until today, “ROADS OF PEACE” are an important "tool" in the development of the anti-war and anti-imperialist struggle.
The 60th anniversary of our Peace Magazine coincides with the Great Anti-fascist
Victory of the Peoples, the crushing of the fascist powers, with countless sacrifices
of the peoples, with the Soviet Union and its people at the forefront, giving 20

With hope, however cautious, the world receives the news about the agreement signed this June 12 between the Presidents Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump, which puts Korea and the US closer to a diplomatic solution for the regional instability, to dissipate the constant threat of war and end the painful Korean national division. After almost seven decades of outrageous, offensive policy of the US and its allies against the People’s Korea, the peace forces must follow up on the dialogue’s development with renewed commitment.

By Socorro Gomes*

É com esperança, ainda que cautelosa, que o mundo recebe a notícia do acordo assinado nesta terça-feira (12) entre os presidentes Kim Jong-un e Donald Trump, colocando a Coreia e os EUA mais próximos de uma solução diplomática para a instabilidade na região, para dissipar uma ameaça constante de guerra e encerrar a dolorosa divisão nacional coreana. Após quase sete décadas de ultrajante política ofensiva dos Estados Unidos e seus aliados contra a Coreia Popular, as forças da paz devem acompanhar com reforçado compromisso o avanço do diálogo.

Por Socorro Gomes*

We appeal to all organizations and activists in Europe that defend the cause of Peace, to promote actions against NATO and its summit in Brussels, for the dissolution of this political-military block and in favour of the struggle of each people within each NATO member state for withdrawal from this military organization.

We recognize that NATO has now existed for almost 70 years, and that during this entire period NATO has continued to increase its membership, in expanding its sphere of influence, its aggression and its demands on the people.

El pueblo venezolano ha ratificado a través de las urnas el camino que elige para la nación. Ahora resiste a los intentos de un cártel formado por países cuyos gobiernos cumplen los dictados imperialistas de Estados Unidos de deslegitimar los resultados electorales del 20 de mayo, porque el resultado fue una victoria abrumadora para la Revolución Bolivariana, con la reelección del presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Por Socorro Gomes*

The Venezuelan people have ratified through the ballot box the path that they choose for the nation. They now resist the attempts of a cartel made of countries whose governments bow to the US imperialist dictates to delegitimize the electoral results of May 20th, because the result was of an overwhelming victory for the Bolivarian Revolution, with President Nicolás Maduro’s reelection.

By Socorro Gomes*

O povo venezuelano ratificou nas urnas o rumo que almeja para a nação. Resiste agora à tentativa de um cartel composto por países cujos governos submetem-se aos ditames do imperialismo estadunidense de deslegitimar o resultado eleitoral de 20 de maio, porque o resultado foi o da estrondosa vitória da Revolução Bolivariana, com a reeleição do presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Por Socorro Gomes*

Forças democráticas e populares do país, da América Latina e de todo o mundo mostram-se comprometidas com a solidariedade ao povo venezuelano, em defesa da sua soberania.

Con 68% de los votos, la Revolución Bolivariana logró en las urnas una incuestionable victoria, en medio a la ofensiva contra la democracia en Venezuela. El resultado envía firme mensaje a las fuerzas reaccionárias y anti-patrióticas en el país, sumisas a los intereses del imperialismo estadounidense, haciendo frente, con la valentía garantizada por la justicia de su política, a la agresiva injerencia externa en los asuntos de Venezuela.


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