Czech Peace Movement commemorated the International Students' Day
The Czech Peace Movement co-organised a public meeting in Prague, Czech Republic on November 17 to commemorate the International Students' Day which was declared after the german nazi-fascist massacre against Czech students movement in 1939. Demonstration was supported by several peace and anti fascist organizations.
Milan Krajča, the chairman of the Czech Peace Movement, delivered a speech at the demonstration, in which he underlined the importance of the International Students' Day and the necessity of the defence of its real meaning as a day of the struggle of the youth a and students against fascism and war.
The need of today struggle for peace was mentioned also by other speakers among others by the vice-chairman of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia Josef Skála, writer Lenka Procházková, member of Czech parliament Jaroslav Foldyna and war veteran Marek Obrtel.