38th Peace Marathon March held by the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace (EEDYE) on 13th May 2018
On the National Day of anti-imperialist Action allover Greece. In Athens Peace March of 42,3 km distance carried out with the participation of thousands of demonstrators from ancient Marathon to the Greek Ministry of Defense.
Similar Peace marches were held on the same day in the cities of Thessaloniki, Larissa, Alexandroupolis, Chania (Crete), Patras, Ioannina, Samos island with many throusands participants upon the call of EEDYE.
Main slogans of the action day:
• NATO out of the Aegean Sea
• No the change of borders and the treaties which define them
• Close down of all US/NATO military facilities and Bases
• Return of all military and police missions of Greece from abroad
• Disengagement from NATO and the EU
• Solidarity with the peoples under imperialist aggressions