Peace Committee of Turkey on the Earthquake that hit the Aegean

Saturday, October 31, 2020

A strong earthquake on October, 30 hit the western part of Turkey and the neighbouring Greek islands in the Aegean Sea; and it caused the lives of tens of people in the province of İzmir, Turkey and the Greek island of Samos. Many more were injured and there was significant damage in both countries, especially in Turkey. The Peace Committee of Turkey expresses its solidarity with the people of Turkey, the people of Greece and the Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace.

This earthquake has once again shown that capitalism cannot allow a healthy housing, and in general, a healthy construction environment. Especially in Turkey, due to the drive for making profit, the construction industry has produced low quality, substandard buildings. Huge lands were zoned for construction, some of which having weak soil conditions. As a result, poor construction on poor soil has led to casualties. We know that as long as capitalism persists, as long as the drive for profit exists, this will not change.

At a time, when the needs of the bourgeois classes on either side of the Aegean Sea are leading to rising tensions in the region, the working people in both countries must seal their own fate. Real peace and real friendship will only then be reached, as there is nothing that cannot be shared between the people of Turkey and the people of Greece.

Peace Committee of Turkey