
NATO has announced the holding this year in Europe, including in Portugal, of one of the largest military exercises of the last 25 years, to be held in a phased manner and in several countries by this aggressive political-military bloc.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NATO has decided to maintain them, reducing the size and postponing some of the exercises.

In the month that marks the 70th anniversary of the launch of the Stockholm Appeal to abolish nuclear weapons, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, together with other organisations, launches a new petition " For Portugal to join the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty - Defending peace is defending life", which invites everyone to sign and disseminate.

Read the text of the petition:

For Portugal to join the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

Defending peace is defending life

The Committee for International Solidarity and the Struggle for Peace (COSI) expresses its strongest condemnation and repudiation of the criminal action that US imperialism has been applying against Venezuela, especially in recent days in the context of the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic, which already affects hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

El Comité de Solidaridad Internacional y Lucha por la Paz COSI, expresa su más firme condena y repudio a la criminal actuación que ha venido sosteniendo el imperialismo estadounidense contra Venezuela, especialmente en los últimos días, y que ocurre en el marco del brote de la pandemia del COVID 19, que ya ha afectado a cientos de miles de personas en todo el mundo.

El Consejo Mundial de la Paz (CMP) condena enérgicamente la decisión del Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos, en nombre de la administración estadounidense, de anunciar cargos penales contra el presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y otros funcionarios de alto rango. con el pretexto de su presunta participación en el tráfico internacional de drogas.

O Conselho Mundial da Paz condena firmemente a decisão da Procuradoria Geral dos Estados Unidos, em nome do governo estadunidense, de anunciar acusações criminais contra o presidente da República Bolivariana da Venezuela e outras autoridades de alto escalão sob o pretexto de alegado envolvimento com o tráfico internacional de drogas.

The World Peace Council condemns strongly the decision of the US
Attorney General, on behalf of the US administration, to announce
criminal charges against the President of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela and other high ranking officials with the pretext of their
alleged involvement in international drug trafficking.
The US General Attorney threatens to designate the Bolivarian Republic
of Venezuela as “a state sponsoring terrorism”. This decision of the
US-administration constitutes not only a further escalation in the

Donald Trump's government decided to reinforce the criminal sanctions that the United States has maintained and intensified against Iran for decades. The US peace movement has already denounced the perversity of such a measure, especially considering that Iran is one of the countries most affected by the global coronavirus outbreak, with more than 17,000 confirmed cases of contamination and more than 1,000 deaths registered thus far, while there is still a lack of vital medicines and medical equipment for the Iranian people to face the pandemic.


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